5 ways to reduce the puffiness of your face

5 simple ways to reduce the puffiness of your face

Sometimes you just wake up some days and your face is puffy and swollen. There are many reasons why it is that way but not to worry because there are five tips that you can follow to help your situation.

Drink more water

You need to drink more water in order to avoid dehydration. Dehydration causes puffiness.

Reduce the use of salt

Salt retains water in your body which results in the swelling of the face. Avoid, sodas and the salty food.

Increase fibre intake.

One tip is to eat more brown. Brown rice, brown roti and brown bread. In fruits, papaya is recommended when it comes to reducing face puffiness.


Exercise helps increase blood circulation which will help sweat. The sweating releases excess water opens up your pores so that you get rid of the swelling.


A nice face massage is really helpful to reduce swelling and it also helps you relax.

These tips are easy and natural. You can follow them at home and notice the changes soon as well!

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